Buffalo Rules 5.0.1

5.0 created 8-15-2012

5.0.1 updated 10-19-2023 “Fixed typos and reworded a few sentences”

Please make suggestions. This is the 5th revision. We are striving to complete the perfect set of rules in which all questions and or disputes can be answered.


We like to hear about all other forms of games alike, from different names to different rules. This enables us to improve this base set of rules in which all other rules should be drafted from. If you decide to use a form of these rules please take time to hyphenate your set of Buffalo rules to clearly distinguish the difference. You may also want to include a link to this set of base rules to enable traceability to how your rules came about. We strongly suggest that you do not alter these rules. This will allow us as a community to come together and establish these rules as the ultimate authority regardless different cities, states, or countries. If you should decide to adopt these rules please post them along with a link to the official web site where these rules can always be found www.buffalorules.org. Drink on my fellow buffalo’s “once a buffalo always a buffalo”.


We did not start Buffalo. Rumors on the internet have dated the game back to 1960’s and before. These rules on the other hand we do claim. We felt that it was necessary to create an ultimate set of base rules to clarify any disputes among one another and have taken many steps to create this superior set of rules that you see before you. Still we are open to suggestion and will continue to make revises to improve understanding of any situation. Thank you.


The 19 rules of buffalo


1.) To become a buffalo one must say, “Once A Buffalo Always A Buffalo” from that moment forward you are a buffalo for the rest of your life no exceptions unless you become physically handicapped such as losing your left hand (See rule #18). Once a Buffalo, it is your duty to get other people to join the game and enforce the rules.


2.) Thou shall not hold or touch any open alcoholic beverage with their right hand for any reason, unless you are double fisting with more than a finger full of another open alcoholic beverage in your left hand, if the container is closed, or any part of the persons left hand is also touching the container with the right hand at the same time. (See rules #6 & 7) You are allowed to cradle your drink with your right arm.  Open is considered open if any liquid can come out (any drip). Hand is considered everything above the wrist, so if your right fingertip touches the container you are fair game. Double fisting is when you have an open alcoholic beverage in both hands. Finger full is the least amount of alcohol required to fulfill being buffaloed otherwise it’s considered a false buffalo. (See rules #7)


3.) A buffalo can only be buffaloed by another buffalo that is drinking or has been drinking and has the intention to continue drinking at full discretion of the rules. Meaning you don’t have to have a drink in your hand when enforcing the rules just a sip of alcohol in your system. A Buffalo can choose to delay their penalty if there is no sufficient evidence that the Buffaloer is actually drinking. The challenge can be avoided if the Buffaloer has a drink in his hand or consumes any amount of alcohol after being challenged. If more than 10 minutes pass without the Buffaloer consuming any alcohol the buffaloee is exempt of his duty to consume the beverage (See rule). If the Buffaloer starts drinking after the 10 minutes they must buffalo their first beverage for not playing by the rules.


4.) If any rule is broken, a buffalo must drink the alcoholic beverage in their right hand in full within a default one hundred and twenty second (2 minute) time limit or at the discretion of the buffaloer considering the size, type, or temperature of the drink, and the handicap of the buffaloee. If buffaloed on another person’s drink one must consume that drink given that it is ok with the person whose drink it is or must buffalo the equivalent amount of alcohol of another drink to compensate for it. Buffaloee handicap is at the discretion of the buffaloer given the observation of the buffaloee’s drunkenness and ability to chug.


5.) If the time limit set is not met an additional full drink of equivalent alcohol will have to be drank in addition to the first drink with a new time limit at the discretion of the buffaloer etc. (reference rule #4)


6.) (False buffalo) if a buffalo is called a buffalo wrongfully the buffalo that made the call is now in penalty of the rules and has to consume their own drink, if he or she has an empty drink less than a finger full or no drink at all upon the false buffalo one must refill in full and then serve their penalty. You cannot false buffalo on a non-alcoholic beverage or by calling buffalo on a non-buffalo. If a container is clear only then is the finger full rule in effect. A can or any other container that the liquid cannot be seen is considered always more than a finger full. (Reference rule #2 & 7) If buffalo is called on a non-drinking buffalo, or a person that is not a buffalo is considered not a false buffalo and the buffaloer is not in penalty of the rules.



7.) (Finger full) only in effect if the alcoholic beverage is visible to the bottom of the container such as a glass or beer bottle. If the alcoholic beverage is a finger full or more from the bottom of a container that is the total amount one must drink when serving their buffalo except when the time limit is broken and only then will they have to fill the container used at the time of the buffalo in full with the same or equivalent drink and start over. If a buffalo is called on less than a finger full it is a false buffalo. (See rules #2, 5 & 6)


8.) If a buffalo is called when a hard alcohol container is in the right hand, given the proof and amount such as a fifth or handle one must make a strong drink and then fulfill their buffalo. Shots are also a solution when this rule is broken. A hard alcohol container is the only container that is considered closed after being recapped meaning you can’t recap any beer and hold it in your right hand. One to Two shots is standard given the strength/proof of alcohol. The goal is ruffly 5% abv for 12oz of liquid.


9.) When pouring a drink you are at the full discretion of the rules, remember you can be buffaloed with any container of alcohol in your right hand that is open.


10.) Tricking a person into a buffalo is absolutely legal. You can get buffaloed with someone else’s drink. (See rule #4)


11.) You cannot buffalo the keg thus when pouring your beer the keg doesn’t count as double fisting.


12.) The only way you can deny a buffalo is if you’re not drinking or if the drink in your hand is going to be your last drink until you become sober. If you are really drunk and shouldn’t be drinking let alone be awake the buffaloer can decide for that drink to be your last or for you to pour out or give away your drink instead.


13.) You can be buffaloed any time, any place; there are no excuses to being buffaloed. Keep true, know the rules, respect the rules, and have fun.


14.) An alternate thing to say instead of buffalo is (bison), bison is like saying buffalo but instead of the other person drinking by themselves you approaches them with your drink and you both chug together. Additionally if the Buffaloer buffalos someone while they are holding their beer in their own right hand they have consequently buffaloed themselves therefor commencing a Bison.


15.) (community buffalo) at the end of the any drinking session the group can agree on a community buffalo, each buffalo will then proceed to put there drinks in their right hand and have a toast, then chug their drinks together.


16.) (bar rule) because of the cost of drinks it must be declared before the night begins or upon the first buffalo that one must buy the buffalo there next drink if they are the buffaloer, otherwise if you consider yourself a hardcore buffalo it’s your fault that you got buffaloed so buy your own drinks. This can very between people but ultimately if you’re a true buffalo you don’t make excuses.


17.) (Work rule) there is no excuse to being buffaloed, unless while at work fulfilling your buffalo duties jeopardizes your job. clarification; bar tenders for example are not exempt from the rules if they are drinking on the job and that goes for any other buffalo such as designated drivers etc. Either you’re drinking or you’re not.


18.) The only way to get out of being a buffalo without losing your left hand is to get the words “retired buffalo” tattooed permanently on your body.


19.) (Buffalo only party’s and regulations) only buffalos that stay true to the game and are loyal to the rules gain access to the yearly buffalo party, meaning if you are a known rule bender or a buffalo that does not serve their penalties you will not be allowed in until you have fulfilled what we feel as compensation for stubbornness. (Do to the websites functionality at this time every buffalo member will be subject to a one beer chug before entering, once the website is in full operation people will be able to log in and put strikes against your profile which will then be the basis of what we feel you should drink). Also one must be a buffalo to attend the party anyone that does not abide by all rules above shall be asked to leave the party or serve the set conscience at the time to regain access after being humiliated. This event will be a public not private event so invite everyone to help spread the word of the buffalo so buffalo can become a rite of passage and a way of life. (Details of party to be determined as see fit)


One response to “Buffalo Rules 5.0.1”

  1. admin Avatar

    “A true buffalo buffalos themself” – The author

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